Monday, 29 March 2021

How would you like some news?

In my last blog post, you were promised that there might be some big news coming. There was, and frankly, I should have tried to fill everyone in sooner, but the news, which I will tell you all about soon, I promise, has kept me busy. Sorry to keep you out of the loop. What news? What news? 

The news is, that I have started a social media project with mapannapolis. They are a non-profit organization that connects students, instructors, and volunteers in creating web-based maps of local interest. I was asked to help them revamp their social media presence, and do some further research. They have some exciting things happening soon, I am very grateful and excited that they asked me to help. 

There you have it. That is the news. I encourage anyone that reads this, and that might have an interest in mapping, the Annapolis Valley, Canadian history, Acadian studies, Black Loyalist history, etc, etc to search out mapannapolis. They are doing amazing things. To make things easier in that search, here are some handy links: Their website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Show them some love. They deserve it.

That dear readers is what I have been up to... I promise to do a better job filling you in in the future. Now, back to clicking buttons. 

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